We believe that it is impossible to read the gospel without hearing a clear call to tend to the sick, the lonely, the grieving, and the poor. We strive constantly to be mindful of this calling and to provide opportunities for our members and others to answer it faithfully.
The Food Pantry & Resource Center
Open every Wednesday from 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM and is an equal opportunity provider. Volunteers distribute bags of groceries to those in need, hoping to make a meaningful and loving impact in their lives. This ministry has many moving parts and provides multiple volunteer opportunities - shelving, bagging, distributing, cleaning, loading and unloading food, etc. Join us!
Feed My Sheep Sunday
One the first Sunday of every month, we bring to worship food from our home pantries to give away to those in need, through our Food Pantry. This food is gathered in the back of the church.
Hagar's Basket: Our Partner Schools
Partnering with fifteen local middle schools, our congregation collects and provides personal hygiene products to students and families in need as a way of helping them to limit social distractions and focus on their education. This ministry also regularly finds other ways of blessings students and others in need.
Blood Drive
Every quarter we host the One Blood bloodmobile which helps save countless lives. Look for them to be advertised each quarter in our communications. Please consider sharing the gift of life.
Peanut Butter Drive
This runs each year from October through mid-November. Holy Cross parishioners donates peanut butter and local farmers match our gathering. This goes to provide families in need with a locally grown, nutritious, and yummy food.
Blanket and Sock Drive
This runs along the Peanut Butter Drive from October through mid-November. In 2016 Holy Cross parishioners collect blankets for those in need in preparation for winter.
Gifts for Foster Children
The Angel Tree at Holy Cross. Holy Cross donates to Operation Santa which helps foster children in the care of FamiliesFirst Network of Lakeview. The Angel Tree is put up by the first Sunday of Advent.
Episcopal Relief & Development
Holy Cross raises funds to alleviate hunger, create economic opportunities, promote health, and respond to disasters around the world. The Holy Cross Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) youth raise funds for Gifts of Life through their Souper Bowl Sunday Dollar donations. Our younger youth, through Vacation Bible School also raise funds for the ERD to provide clean water to Africa.
United Ministries
Monthly, we support United Ministries. United Ministries provides financial assistance to families in crisis who have emergency needs such as housing and utilities and to provide counseling which offers hope, encouragement and spiritual guidance. United Ministries is a community partnership of many different churches and individuals who volunteer time and resources to provide emergency aid to the less fortunate members of our community. Holy Cross supports United Ministries by monthly donations.
Disaster Relief
Holy Cross volunteers give their time and talent to help people after a disaster.
United Thank Offering (UTO)
United Thank Offering is entrusted to promote thank offerings, to receive the offerings, and to distribute the UTO monies to support mission and ministry throughout The Episcopal Church and in invited Provinces of the Anglican Communion in the developing world.